Our goal is to:
Reach them with the love of Jesus ChristWe Value:
Extravagant Love - We live to reflect the extravagant love of GodWe believe in one God, revealed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. [Deuteronomy 6:4, II Corinthians 13:14, John 1:1]
ARTICLE TWO: WE BELIEVE IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURESWe believe that the entire Bible was given by divine inspiration through the Holy Spirit as He moved upon holy men of old and has not been changed. Furthermore, we believe that the Church has no authority to establish doctrine or traditions contrary to these same Scriptures. [II Timothy 3:16]
ARTICLE THREE: WE BELIEVE IN HUMAN WORTHWe believe that man was and is made in the image of God and is the greatest among creation. Because of the sin of Adam and Eve, man is now spiritually corrupt and alienated from his Creator. Apart from God's grace, man has no ability to fulfill his God-given purpose. [Genesis 1:26-27, Psalm 8, Ephesians 2:8-9]
ARTICLE FOUR: WE BELIEVE IN JUSTIFICATION BY FAITHWe believe that justification is by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus' sacrifice on the cross at Calvary. [Romans 3:21-24]
ARTICLE FIVE: WE BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRISTWe believe that our Lord Jesus Christ was begotten, not created, truly God, truly Man. He was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died a vicarious and atoning death for the sins of the world, was resurrected bodily for our justification, and now reigns in glory until all things be put under His feet. [I Timothy 3:16]
ARTICLE SIX: WE BELIEVE IN BAPTISMWe believe that all of God's people are to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ in a full immersion water baptism soon after accepting Christ as personal Savior. We believe that water baptism is a testimony of death to sin and resurrection to a new life in Christ Jesus. [Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:4]
ARTICLE SEVEN: WE BELIEVE IN SANCTIFICATIONWe believe that those who are called by the name of Christ should depart from iniquity. Understanding that salvation from the penalty of sin only begins the process of redemption, we acknowledge that one work of the Holy Spirit is to create in us the character of Christ. [II Timothy 2:19]
ARTICLE EIGHT: WE BELIEVE IN THE HOLY SPIRITWe believe that the Holy Spirit indwells all believers, conforming them to the image of Jesus Christ, enabling them to live a holy, sanctified life. [I Corinthians 12:13, Romans 8:16-17]
We believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is an endowment of power, following conversion. It is given by God to anoint the follower of Christ for sanctification and evangelism. It is our understanding that the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit is active within the body of Christ until the second coming of the Lord. (Therefore, we believe the development of the charismatic gifts ought to be encouraged under the guidance of local church leaders.) [Acts 8:14-17, Acts 19:1-2, I Corinthians 12:4-7]
ARTICLE TEN: WE BELIEVE IN THE EQUIPPING OF THE SAINTS FOR THE WORK OF THE MINISTRYWe believe that the calling of Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher are functional within the Body of Christ until the Lord's return. Furthermore, these ministries are gifts to the Church for the purpose of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, that the body of Christ be edified. [Ephesians 4:11-16]
ARTICLE ELEVEN: WE BELIEVE IN THE PRIESTHOOD OF THE BELIEVERWe believe in the priesthood of every Christian. This is to say; all people born of God have equal status before, and direct access to their Lord. [I Peter 2:5]
ARTICLE TWELVE: WE BELIEVE IN THE SECOND COMING OF CHRISTWe believe in the literal second coming of our Lord, the resurrection of the saved to eternal life and the unsaved to eternal damnation, and the ultimate victory of the eternal Kingdom of God. [Acts 1:9-11, Daniel 1:22, Revelation 22:1-7]
ARTICLE THIRTEEN: WE BELIEVE IN THE UNITY OF THE CHURCHWe believe that all who are born of God are called into spiritual unity. We love those with whom we disagree and even those who do not love us. [I Corinthians 12:12-14]
ARTICLE FOURTEEN: WE BELIEVE IN THE LOCAL CHURCHWe believe the identity of the Body of Christ on the earth is primarily perceived through the local church. While encouraging the voluntary association of local churches, and recognizing the need of consensus on matters of fundamental doctrine and conduct, we strongly confess the local church to be sovereign and autonomous. [Revelation 2-3]